What We Offer

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home / office 613-594-9248

location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

About Sessions, Rates & Policies

Create Closer Loving Relationships    

Body-Centered Coaching
Relationship Coaching for Couples & Families
Telephone Coaching
Dances of Universal Peace

Marlene on phone

Marlene Neufeld

Telephone Coaching (also available via Skype or Google chat)

In telephone/internet coaching we use the principles of body-centered and relationship coaching. Telephone/internet coaching allows you to experience transformation in your busy schedule and the convenience of your own home or office. Email exchanges are welcome as part of the telephone/internet coaching contract.   

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Bob and Marlene Neufeld, Couples Coaching - Marriage Counselling, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Orignal Design by Evan Lange

Updated Design by Computer Tamers

March 2014