What We Offer

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home / office 613-594-9248

location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

About Sessions, Rates & Policies

Create Closer Loving Relationships    

Body-Centered Coaching
Relationship Coaching for Couples & Families
Telephone Coaching
Dances of Universal Peace
Helping Children make Friends with their Feelings

The Conscious Kids's Curriculum ($27.95 US) is an activity book comprised of forty-five hands-on learning activities designed for use with groups of children of all ages in the classroom, in after-school programs, at summer camps, in therapy, counselling, coaching, and/or at home.

Created by Karen Thompson, Linda Marinovich, Bob Neufeld, Marlene Neufeld and Phil Johncock.

Based on the work of Drs. Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks

Our vision: by teaching our youth the value of the consistent practice of conscious living and loving, we will create a more peaceful world in which human beings live in their full creativity and in harmony within themselves and with each other.

For a downloadable e-book visit Earth Friendly Publishing.



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Bob and Marlene Neufeld, Couples Coaching - Marriage Counselling, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Orignal Design by Evan Lange

Updated Design by Computer Tamers

March 2014