What We Offer

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home / office 613-594-9248

location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

About Sessions, Rates & Policies

Create Closer Loving Relationships    

Body-Centered Coaching
Relationship Coaching for Couples & Families
Telephone Coaching
Dances of Universal Peace
Helping Children make Friends with their Feelings

Marlene and Bob

Marlene and Bob Neufeld

Body-Centered Coaching

We invite you to step into your full magnificence through deeply honoring the body and all of its experiences. We use the body's wisdom to by-pass mind-chatter and therefore, facilitate lasting personal change. We bring into play the organic resources of your body: breath, movement and awareness of body sensations.

Our role as coaches is to suggest and guide you through activities that promote shifts, and to help you access your full creative potential so that you can be in the flow of appreciation, creativity and love. We commit to seeing every interaction as a learning opportunity and we commit to practicing principles we suggest to you. We commit to transparency, sharing our experiences, and also what our bodies' wisdom is currently telling us.

Read "What to Expect as a client" to learn more about what we offer

Bob Neufeld

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Bob and Marlene Neufeld, Couples Coaching - Marriage Counselling, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Orignal Design by Evan Lange

Updated Design by Computer Tamers

March 2014