Big Feelings Tales

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A Message to Parents and Educators

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The "Big Feelings Tales" Series

Three children's books are now available. The text in these books is a collaboration of Bob & Marlene while Bob created the illustrations. The "Big Feelings Tales" are written for 4 to 9 year olds and can also be fun with younger or older children.

Poco Freeho's Problems tells the story about a little mouse for whom everything seems to be going wrong. He is angry but doesn't realize it. His unexpressed anger could make things worse for him. How can he have a better day and keep his best friend?

Poco Freeho Gets into Trouble tells the story about a little mouse that has a run-in with a bully. He gets frightened. How will he deal with his fear? How will he respond to the bully?

In It's Your Birthday, Poco Freeho the little mouse has a birthday party but because he doesn't tell people what he wants his birthday doesn't turn out the way he had planned. How can he get what he wants?

What is unique about Poco Freeho is that he has skills and tools which help him shift from victim thinking to true creative power. In each book, he gets caught in a common problem, one that children can relate to, and then uses his skills and tools to have more fun. These books teach children the skills and tools which help them make friends with their feelings.

The tools and skills taught in the "Big Feelings Tales" are based on the work of world-renowned psychologists and authors, Drs. Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks. In the foreword to the "Big Feelings Tales", Dr. Gay Hendricks, says, "I have worked as a psychotherapist with thousands of people who come into my office with personal and relationship issues. I coach them in simple body-centered techniques to rechannel the energy of conflict and low self-esteem into creativity and love. I have frequently bemoaned the educational system for not adequately preparing us for life as emotional/spiritual beings. We are not taught to experience or express our feelings. We are not taught that our feelings are O.K. We are not taught to ask for what we want or how to access our full creative potential. We are not taught how to shift from blame to creativity and appreciation. We are not taught how to feel a flow of good feeling inside ourselves and between us and other people. Bob Neufeld's "Big Feelings tales" use simple allegorical methods to offer something brand new; teaching children how to experience big feelings and express them at an early age. They introduce children to how to shift from not knowing their feelings and acting them out to knowing their feelings and acting creatively."

Reading Bob's books at Circletime has been very meaningful for both the children and for myself. I've used the book as a teaching tool for dealing with children in conflict situations. Fred Simpson, Early Childhood Educator

I like the Poco Freeho books because the mouse is so smart. I like his car too. Eileen, age 6

I like it in Poco Freeho Gets into Trouble because Claw learns that mice have feelings. One of my favorite pages is in Poco Freeho's Problems when Poco plays with his anger
. Rowan, age 5

I like the Poco Freeho books because the speech bubbles are funny. It's funny and interesting that broccoli is treated like candy by Poco. Calvin, age 9

I like Poco Freeho because he's a cute little guy who knows how to solve mental problems which involve fear and anger
. Brianna, age 11

Poco Freeho - Problems
Poco Freeho's Problems
Poco Freeho - Trouble
Poco Freeho Gets into Trouble
Poco Freeho - Birthday
It's Your Birthday, Poco Freeho

A Message to Parents and Educators re the "Big Feelings Tales"
By Marlene Neufeld, Early Childhood Educator, Masters of Social Work

Many of us have been taught that it is not all right to feel angry or frightened. These feelings make us feel uncomfortable. Rather than allowing others to be angry or afraid in our presence, we rush in to try and fix it or try to talk them out of feeling the way they feel. I remember saying to my children, "don't be frightened" or "don't be angry" and trying to explain why they shouldn't feel that way. It never worked. Learning to make friends with our feelings is an important skill that will enhance our wellbeing.

It's important that children learn to be aware of and experience all of their feelings. To encourage that, can be a challenge for parents and educators who haven't learned to be aware of and experience their own feelings. The "Big Feelings Tales" series is all about children learning to be aware of and experience all of their feelings. We invite you to enter into this adventure together.

Another of the most useful tools you can teach children is to make clear requests. Which parent among us hasn't been annoyed at their children for whining? Very few of us have been taught how to clearly ask for what we want or even that it is O.K. to want. Many of us believe that asking for anything is a sign of weakness - that we 'should' be able to do it all ourselves - that if we were whole and complete we somehow would not ever need anyone or anything. On the other hand, we often believe, as Poco Freeho does in It's Your Birthday, Poco Freeho, that if people really love us we won't have to ask, they will know what we want without us telling them. Powerful people are people who readily ask for what they want. Making clear requests and receiving support are part of living a full healthy life. Not asking for what we want undermines our sense of well-being and our productivity.

The "Big Feelings Tales" series is fun for kids and teaches them invaluable lessons at the same time.
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